Buku pemasaran jasa
Buku pemasaran jasa

buku pemasaran jasa buku pemasaran jasa

The sampling technique used in this study is non-probability sampling with accidental sampling method.

buku pemasaran jasa

This study used a sample of 308 respondents from a total population count of 1,342 customers. The data obtained are primary data and secondary data. The object of this research is the gas station company 34-17123 Harapan Indah-Bekasi, customers who more than 3 times refuel four-wheeled vehicles as subjects, as well as service quality and customer loyalty as objects. Regarding this, in this study the stimulus in question is service quality (variable X) and the intended response is customer loyalty (variable Y), this study uses quantitative research methodology. The Stimulus Response (S-R) communication model is a human behavior (response) that can be predicted according to the stimulus to be sent. Currently for product providers not only provide what products are needed and quality products, but no less important in business is how businesses can provide the best service for their customers. Business competition in this modern era is so diverse, that business people who provide products and services must be able to make every effort and effort to be able to survive in the business that is being run.

Buku pemasaran jasa